Who We Are
For 30 years, John and Rose Guinan lived with their family in Omaha, NE. In 1999, John developed an interest in making wine and it quickly became his at-home hobby. Around 2005, John grew tired of working in the corporate world and decided that his hobby could become his business. Rose was delighted – her kitchen would finally be clear of wine splatters on her cupboards! With most of their six kids grown and out of the house, they picked up and moved to Carroll, IA, near Rose's home town. For the vineyard, they found the perfect land next to St. Mary's Church in Willey - only a mile from where Rose grew up. A machine shed served as the first temporary winery. It wasn't much to look at, but some great wines, such as Swan Lake White, came out of that humble beginning.
In 2008, John and Rose were driving through Carroll past the old Wittrock auto dealership, which they had passed hundreds of times before, when both of them thought, “That'd make a great winery!” They were each surprised the other had the same idea. After looking into it, they bought it, let their imaginations run wild, and a year and a half later, the building was completed. Thanks to the help of local builders and artisans, the building itself turned out to be beautiful. John and Rose are proud to serve the people of Carroll and the surrounding area. “We're very pleased to have the opportunity to take a building that is historically significant to the people of Carroll, renovate it, and make it into something enjoyable for the community,” says John.
We invite everyone to come visit us and hear about the story first hand. Be sure to ask about how they found the exact location of the vineyard – miraculous!
“We're very pleased to have the opportunity to take a building that is historically significant to the people of Carroll, renovate it, and make it into something enjoyable for the community,” says John.
